7 people die as suicide bomber, bomb demself inside Borno state, police yarn.

The Borno Police Command, on Wednesday don yarn say na like seven people die, ontop plenty suicide gbege, wey shelle for Maiduguri.

Maiduguri is the capital of Borno state and the birthplace of the radical Islamist Boko Haram group

Mr Damian Chukwu, wey be the Commissioner for Police, tell News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) say,  the suicide bomber, gbege three IDP camp, wey government never approve, for Muna area inside the city.

im yarn say, the first gbege shelle for one camp, kill people wey come from, Gulumba community inside Bama Local Government Area for the state.

Read wetin im yarn

“All together seven persons were killed made up of three suspected suicide bombers and four innocent Nigerians.
“The attack happened around 4.30 am on Wednesday around Muna area of the metropolis.
“The first attack took place at a place called Gulumba where IDPs mainly from Gulumba community are staying.
“The suicide bomber sneaked in and detonated his explosive killing himself, a woman and a kid, nine others were also injured.
“The second attack occurred in a place called Muna Dagalti in the same environment where unauthorized IDPs are staying.
“The suicide bomber detonated his explosive inside the tent killing himself and one other person, six others were injured.
“The third attack was at a place called Muna Baya where the suspected suicide bomber met some Muslim faithful performing ablution for early morning prayer.
“He ran to them and detonated his explosive killing himself and one other person, four others were also injured.”

NAN yarn say, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) people yarn say,. na like five suicide bombers, bomb dem self for this gbege.

Malam Abdulkadir Ibrahim, wey be NEMA North East approko Officer, for one statement for Maiduguri, yarn say,  na  five suicide bombers, and three people, wey no know anything, nayim die for this gbege.

Read wetin im yarn

“Series of bomb blasts have occurred in three locations around Muna Garage area of Maiduguri metropolis. The incidents occurred at about 4 am.
“A total of five suicide bombers all male adults were involved in the incidents killing three persons,”

 NEMA talk talk person, con still yarn say, na 20 people, nayim carry different  kind of injury, enter hospital, as first aid people rush reach their to hellep dem.

Im still yarn say, dem don carry the once wey die, enter mortuary.

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