Police shot 500 level FUTA student Die, for one kulele we no go gree waka, wey dem do for im village.

One 500-level student for the Federal University of Akure (FUTA), nayim we hear say police kill for one, kulele, we no go gree waka, wey dem do ontop their kinsmen, inside im village.

The student wey name na  Julius Adeniran, come village for holiday, where im for join the Igbara Odo youth inside im town, con do kulele, we no go gree waka..

The policemen wey try to pursue dem, shot enter the crowd, but the bullet, waka go nack the 500 level FUTA student.

Im friends dem share this tori, for Facebook, con great some things wey go melt your heart ontop the boy.

Read wetin Olowolafe Mayowa Samuel ,wey be im friend write.

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