NIGERIA AT 56: THE WAY FORWARD by Ekokorhe Ejiro Friday (CNYM)

Ekokorhe Ejiro Friday wey be  Member of, "Concerned Nigerian Youth Movement" (CNYM). Post this Ogboge Message for today wey be Independence day.
Im call this im message THE WAY FORWARD.

Readam Below..

                                         NIGERIA AT 56: THE WAY FORWARD  
""With a heart grateful for the significance of today, yet troubled by the challenges we are confronted with as a nation-state, I write once again to felicitate with the entire citizenry of our dear polity, Nigeria. That our polity is bedevilled by seemingly insurmountable challenges is no longer news but the crucial question is, are these challenges solvable? The answer is yes! That we as a people were able to wrestle our independence from our erstwhile colonial authority( United Kingdom) and as a sovereign state, was able to survive and rise again after the civil war is a testament to the fact that with sincerity of purpose, honesty, truth, love for country, passion for greatness, concern for one another and unity, we as a people and as a nation-state, can surmount our challenges. 

Two scores, a decade and six years ago, Nigeria became a nation-state, devoid of external interference in her domestic affairs, hence a sovereign polity/entity. But the reality today is that our political leaders, especially the crop of political leaders that have been at the helm of affairs since 1999, irrespective of political parties, have failed to deliver the true dividends of democracy to the Nigerian people. 

My appeal on this very special day and occasion goes to the entire Nigerian youths. It is no longer fashionable for us to leave our collective destinies in the hands of these older political leaders, that do not have our interest and that of our polity at heart. The time has come for us to come together and discuss the way forward. What we need now is to join and actively participate in the activities of "Concerned Nigerian Youth Movement" (CNYM), such that the entire Nigerian youths will be rallied together for a common cause, various committees will be created/established where every youth will belong to the most appropriate one for his/herself as a result of courses studied at the higher institutions of learning, discussions will be held at various levels concerning the state of our national affairs and the possible way forward, such that within two years, all these will culminate in a call for a strong, sovereign and general youth conference. At such conference, various issues confronting us as a people and as a nation, especially since the return of democracy in 1999 will be discussed, solutions will be proffered and agreements/resolutions on the way forward will be reached with the intention of forming a youth political party, with a strong philosophy and ideology for the entire youths and older credible citizens that have distinguished themselves over the years. This youth political party, built on a strong philosophical and ideological foundation will serve as the platform or vehicle through  which resolutions agreed upon at the general or sovereign youth conference will be implemented. Hence, our sole purpose of contesting for elections will be to win, assume leadership roles/positions and implement all resolutions that were earlier agreed upon by the entire Nigerian youths at the conference. This way, these older corrupt political leaders will be confined to indefinite retirement from the political scene or arena. After all, the youths have the numerical strength to its advantage!

From my observation so far, it is obvious that these older political leaders do not have the interest of the youths and the entire masses at heart. Let us come together, take our destinies in our hands and March forward with the sole aim of: creating a better society than we have been bequeathed over the years, laying a new foundation upon which coming generations can build, restoring the dignity of the Nigerian people etc. The time to act is now! Get up my fellow compatriots!(friends, comrades, youth advocates etc.) And let us commence the process of sending these present corrupt older political leaders into oblivion.""

- Ekokorhe Ejiro Friday
Member, "Concerned Nigerian Youth Movement" (CNYM)

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