See pics;Mama pour hot water for 11 year pikin cause of missing money.

Dey say the mama of this 11-year-old girl  pour hot water for her daughter body sake of say she thief R20 for Botshabelo, South Africa last week.

As the matter be instead mek she carry her go hospital she wait for two days befor she carry her go hospital.
 The girl’s aunty tell Daily Sun say the wahala start wen her sister accuse her own pikin say she thief  R20 from her. the mama con say mek she bring hot water wen dey boil, con tell her say mek she pour the hot water inside basin. so she con pour the water for her pikin back.

The aunty say she hear wetin happon but wen she see as the matter be for on june 12 she con say she need to report the matter give police.

"The poor girl sustained burn wounds on her back and left arm. I know my sister is very abusive towards her children. What makes me very angry is that although the girl was badly injured on Thursday, she waited two days to go to hospital. All I want is for my sister to get help before she does something drastic."

Police spokesman constable Peter Kareli say na case of assault and dem dwey investigate the matter.

"The woman was arrested on Monday, June 13, and will appear in court again soon" Kareli said.

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